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Arvind Narula

Chairman, Urmatt Group

Arvind Narula, social entrepreneur, Chairman and founder of the Urmatt Group, is a pioneer of the organic agriculture industry in Thailand, Argentina, Myanmar and Laos. He has also been an advisor to projects in Tanzania, Sierra Leone, India, and Brazil. Arvind has also founded food businesses in Sweden and Singapore. In over three decades he has developed one of the world’s most successful contract farming models (employing over 3,000 families), including the largest organic crops operation, the largest organic eggs brand in Thailand, and most recently, an organic certified organic instant noodles operation. All with global sales. He has invested in several innovative and successful projects in the field of agriculture and agricultural value added products. His impact-award winning group companies are focused on benefitting the poorest farmers through science and innovation, zero waste, and sustainability focus. A past member of the YPO International Board, he also served as the chair for S.E. Asia. Arvind speaks seven languages and graduated in Economics from Heidelberg and Paris and the Sasin Institute of the Chulalongkorn University.

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